This training is the mandated training as outlined in the Safeguarding Training Framework found here which indicates which level of training is mandated for each role and at which level. It is delivered by Belinda Herbert, the Synod Safeguarding Officer and is available online (Zoom) and in person. This training should be refreshed every three years at the highest level that was last completed. Find out what training you need for your role here
Foundation Safeguarding Training (Approx 2 hours).
This training provides an introduction to the importance of safeguarding and the risks posed by those who seek to groom and exploit the Church, Legislation, policy and guidance including Good Practice 5 (and its successors) and its appendices and the types of abuse and an awareness of the signs of abuse and neglect.
Mandated roles that should attend Foundation level:
Managers of Synod Safeguarding Officers / Advisors, Church Safeguarding Coordinators, Deputy Church Safeguarding Coordinator, Members of the Safeguarding Advisory Group (or its successor), Synod Safeguarding Committees and Reference Groups, Active Ministers and CRCWs (including retired ministers who meet the requirements of active ministry), Synod Moderators, Youth and Children Workers including volunteer leaders, Youth and Children’s Workers (volunteer helpers), Adult Workers including volunteer leaders, Adult Workers (volunteer helpers), Managers of Children, Youth and Adults Workers, Pastoral Workers / Visitors, Synod Clerks, Section O Investigation, Commission and Appeal Panel Members, Worship Leaders and Assembly Accredited Lay Preachers, URC Trustees and Synod Trustees and Elders as local church trustees.
Foundation level training is also available as e-learning
Intermediate Safeguarding Training (Approx 2.5 hours).
Intermediate training is complementary to the foundation module and enhances the knowledge that participants gained, whilst also introducing new topics and focusing on safer practices. You must attend Foundation training before being enrolled on to the Intermediate training, despite any previous workplace training or expertise.
Mandated roles that should attend Intermediate level:
Synod Safeguarding Officers / Advisors, Church Safeguarding Coordinators, Deputy Church Safeguarding Coordinator, Active Ministers and CRCWs (including retired ministers who meet the requirements of active ministry), Synod Moderators, Youth and Children Workers including volunteer leaders, Youth and Children’s Workers (volunteer helpers), Adult Workers including volunteer leaders, Adult Workers (volunteer helpers), Pastoral Workers / Visitors, Worship Leaders and Assembly Accredited Lay Preachers.
Please see here for available dates for in-person and online training
Advanced Safeguarding Training (Approx. 6 hours).
Advanced training is to support those who have safeguarding leadership roles in which they manage and oversee safeguarding arrangements and practice.
Mandated roles that should attend this level:
Synod Safeguarding Officers / Advisors, Synod Moderators, Youth and Children Workers including volunteer leaders and Adult Workers including volunteer leaders.
Refresher Safeguarding Training (Approx 2- 2.5 hours).
This training is for those who have completed their safeguarding training (in the URC) in the last 3 years. This training will refresh our safeguarding knowledge at the highest level of training which was last completed. For example, if you last completed the Foundation and Intermediate modules, you will only need to complete the Intermediate refresher module.
Please see here for available dates for in-person and online foundation training
To book on to this training, please email your name, church and preferred date to [email protected]
Other, non-mandated training on elders responsibilities and on domestic abuse is available, more details here
Last updated 4 March 2024