Commonly used acronyms and abbreviations in Southern Synod
APC | Area Pastoral Committee (PC also used: see below) |
ARC | Area Review Co-ordinator for LMMR |
CSUA | Central Sussex United Area |
CYDO | Children and Youth Development Officer (Southern Synod Field Staff) |
DBS | Disclosure and Barring Service (previously CRB, giving background checks for suitability of people to work with children and vulnerable young adults) |
EM1-3 | Education for Ministry program. (The stages denote 1 – pre-ordination, 2 – first three years of ministry, 3 continuing ministry after first three years.) |
GA | General Assembly |
IMOD | Interim Moderator (appointed during church vacancy) |
KESSA | Kent and East Sussex Synod Area |
LCL | Local Church Leader |
LMMR | Local Mission and Ministry Review (regularly done in each church) |
ONET | Ongoing Education and Training (training days primarily for ministers) |
PC | Pastoral Committee (of Synod Area); can also be for ‘Property Committee’ |
SA | Synod Area |
SACRE | Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (a Local Government body) |
SLSA | South London Synod Area |
SAPC | Synod Area Pastoral Committee |
S&SSA | Surrey and Sussex Synod Area |
TDO | Training and Development Officer (Southern Synod Field Staff) |
TLS | Training for Learning and Serving (URC training programme) |
UA | United Area |