Acronyms used in Southern Synod

Commonly used acronyms and abbreviations in Southern Synod

APC Area Pastoral Committee (PC also used: see below)
ARC Area Review Co-ordinator for LMMR
CSUA Central Sussex United Area
CYDO Children and Youth Development Officer (Southern Synod Field Staff)
DBS Disclosure and Barring Service (previously CRB, giving background checks for suitability of people to work with children and vulnerable young adults)
EM1-3 Education for Ministry program. (The stages denote 1 – pre-ordination, 2 – first three years of ministry, 3 continuing ministry after first three years.)
GA General Assembly
IMOD Interim Moderator (appointed during church vacancy)
KESSA Kent and East Sussex Synod Area
LCL Local Church Leader
LMMR Local Mission and Ministry Review (regularly done in each church)
ONET Ongoing Education and Training (training days primarily for ministers)
PC Pastoral Committee (of Synod Area); can also be for ‘Property Committee’
SA Synod Area
SACRE Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (a Local Government body)
SLSA South London Synod Area
SAPC Synod Area Pastoral Committee
S&SSA Surrey and Sussex Synod Area
TDO Training and Development Officer (Southern Synod Field Staff)
TLS Training for Learning and Serving (URC training programme)
UA United Area