The Road to Net-Zero
“.. the Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it” – That is challenge we seek to tackle today.

We all want to do our part in saving the planet, spiritually and physically. We hope you have the tools for the former* and this page is here to help with the latter.
The URC Environmental Policy (General Assembly 2022) calls on the denomination to act urgently to reduce carbon emissions across the whole of church life to reach net zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2030. The road is long, confusing and full of pit falls. There are many lifestyle choices which will have to be challenged and a great starting place is ECO Church. If your church has not already signed up to Eco Church, please consider doing so.
Our buildings range from the ancient, to the very modern, from large to very small and each is used in unique ways from once a week, to 24/7. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach but each Church can do its part to reduce carbon emissions. Some small changes can make a big difference and below is a link to the Synods Practical Route to Net Zero Checklist.
*If your Church needs help and guidance from the Synod on how it can save the world, please get in touch with our Mission Officer.