
Southern Synod’s main safeguarding priorities:

  1. To help our churches navigate the complexities of safeguarding requirements and to provide advice
  2. Ensuring that churches have the latest policies and procedures in place
  3. Embedding safer recruitment practice
  4. Responding appropriately to allegations and concerns
  5. Delivery of quality and relevant training.

URC’s Safeguarding Symposium

On 12th October 2023 the URC’s safeguarding team launched Good Practice 6 at an online symposium.

The event also highlighted the issues of unconscious bias and how prejudice can impact Safeguarding. Leroy Logan MBE joined us for an insightful discussion into this topic.

Watch the replay here:

Questions and Concerns

The Synod Safeguarding Officer is on maternity leave, Natalie Van Camp is providing cover during this time. You can reach Natalie by emailing

For general enquiries, please contact the Safeguarding administrator at

The latest Safeguarding newsletter can be found here 

Staff are available during Office Hours. If you have an urgent safeguarding query or concern at any time you can get in touch with your Local Authority Children’s Social Care or Adult’s Social Care Teams. In an emergency or if you are concerned that someone is at risk of harm or in danger please dial 999 immediately and ask for the police

Key Local Church Safeguarding Priorities.

  • Respond to incidents and allegations effectively
  • Seek support from the Synod Safeguarding Officer
  • Create a safe environment within Church
  • Ensure that the Church has an up to date safeguarding policy which is renewed annually and that the Church adheres the denominational policies and procedures.
  • Ensure that every Church appoints a Safeguarding Coordinator for children and adults at risk. For those undertaking this role the URC offers helpful guidance
  • Ensure that Safer Recruitment practices are followed completely in line with Good Practice guidelines.
  • Elders and Trustees awareness of their legal requirements to safeguard. 

The URC Safeguarding Policy, the Good Practice 6, can be downloaded here. A list of all the relevant Good Practice 6 resources can also be located here as well as the main URC Safeguarding page which has lots of useful resources.


 Page updated 22 November 2024