Mission Projects, Grants and Resources

Mission Projects

In March, 2022, Synod Together formally approved the creation of the role of Director of Mission Projects and confirmed Rev Wendy Swan’s appointment to this role. Wendy retired in November 2024 and a replacement is being sought

The criteria for Mission Projects can be found here: https://southernsynodurc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ST-220312-Paper-B1-Mission-Projects-Criteria.pdf

The process for Mission Projects can be found here: https://southernsynodurc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ST-220312-Paper-B2-Mission-Projects-Process.pdf

Mission Grants for local churches

The Strategic Mission Fund’s purpose is to support projects or personnel, including supportive roles enabling mission, where the money is not to be spent on church buildings.

For work with Children and Young People contact the Children’s and Youth Development Officer (CYDO), Tom Hackett [email protected].

Currently, whilst the MDO post is vacant, for other, missional, people-focused, risk-taking projects, please contact the Secretary to the Strategic Mission Fund panel via [email protected]. Projects might be quite small, and applications are particularly encouraged from churches which have not previously received Synod funding. Larger projects might typically involve the employment of a specialist worker.

Applications for up to £20,000 will normally be considered electronically and a response given within a month.

Larger applications, or ones that raise wider policy issues, will be considered at the periodic meetings of the SMF Panel.

The initial application form can be used for all applications. Where sums in excess of £20,000 are requested, applicants should also be prepared to provide:

· a clear mission statement;

· evidence of an honest appraisal of its situation within the local community in which it will operate;

· confirmation of a thorough investigation of other sources of finance, or of the financial input of partner organisations;

· a detailed and costed plan with full information on the way in which the project will be managed through its development and planning stage, its implementation and its on-going operation.

Applicants for larger grants may also be asked to make a personal presentation to the Strategic Mission Fund Panel as part of the process of seeking approval.

Within one year of an award being taken up, a report should be submitted by the local church or group of churches to the Strategic Mission Fund Panel Secretary indicating how the project has helped in local mission. For larger projects, the SMF Panel may ask for additional monitoring and will report periodically to Synod Together.

see more details in the Guidance document here

(the guidance document will be updated soon, once the Mission Development Officer is in post).


The deadline for the submissions of grant applications for consideration at the next meeting is 5pm on Wednesday 22nd January 2025. 

Here are some examples of projects which have successfully received grants

• to cover the cost of toys to start up a Toddler group

• towards forming a garden (including new noticeboards) around the church, involving the community and with specific ongoing outreach uses

• towards the costs of employing Youth and Children’s / Community Outreach workers

• towards the costs of AV / IT equipment

• towards supporting ‘warm spaces’, cafes, specific groups which are part of the church’s outreach to the community

• to cover the cost of a new translation machine which supports work with the Korean community

• towards the costs of running a project with local mental health services – in the church, for the community

• towards the costs of an ecumenical chaplaincy project

• towards the costs of an administrator (with outreach responsibilities)

• towards the costs of an ecumenical youth project

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


Fresh Expressions Fresh Expressions logo

Fresh Expressions encourages new forms of church for a fast changing world, working with Christians from a variety of denominations and traditions. The initiative has resulted in hundreds of new congregations being formed alongside more traditional churches. Please link to this website for further information – www.freshexpressions.org.uk

London Institute of Contemporary Christianity

A vast range of resources and ideas to support moving churches ‘outwards’ to their individual members’ ‘frontline’ to spread the message and inspire discipleship. Some of these resources have been used in the Southern Synod learning hubs.  See website www.licc.org.uk


Available from all good book stores including online second hand outlets such as WOB

“Is Christianity for those who can’t get a life? What use is a dying God? Why is the Church so naff? If you’ve faced questions like these and felt tongue-tied, this is the book for you. It will help you talk more confidently with your friends about the hope that keeps you going. The user-friendly format of each chapter begins with a ‘What they say’ section. The author then identifies the key issue, before suggesting (in reassuring detail) how you might respond. All through the book you will find stories, as well as inspiring, poignant and witty quotes to work into your conversations whenever the opportunity may arise!”

Everybody Welcome Everybody Welcome

Everybody Welcome by Bob Jackson  978-0-7151-4192-2  Church House Publishing

Everybody Welcome is the complete course to transform your church by improving your approach to newcomers. 

In five teaching sessions, it will help you review your attitudes to newcomers, learn new approaches and identify areas of improvement and change.

The course comes in three different parts, all designed to complement each other and ensure that everybody feels welcome in your church:

  • The Leaders’ Manual contains five sessions of material, with leaders’ notes, background notes and checklists to help you identify areas for change in your church.
  • The Members’ Manual provides preparatory material for the course, as well as summaries of each session. Designed to be used by each individual participant.
  • The DVD essential video content to enhance the course, designed to be used in conjunction with the leaders’ manual.

This is more than just a smile and a hand shake at the door! It is an opportunity to look afresh at how your church can engage the local community who visit the church.


By Chine Mbubaegbu

Looking for fresh inspiration for your walk with God? Here’s a range of discipleship courses available.

  • Freedom in Christ by Neil T Anderson and Steve Goss
  • The Apprentice Series by James Brian Smith
  • Square Mile by Evangelical Alliance
  • Lyfe
  • Discipleship Explored by Good Book Company
  • Ellel 365 by Ellel Ministries
  • Change the World by Mike Slaughter
  • Just People

Download Coursework.

To and Fro: Good News In Restless TimesTo and Fro Bible Resource

Biblical Resources to help churches engage with features of the contemporary world

Written by Graham Adams


  1. Engaging with context: knowing where you are
  2. Transforming conversations with the Bible: more light and truth
  3. Engaging with culture: believing in a scientific age
  4. Transforming mission: being good news today
  5. Engaging with citizenship: faith in the public realm
  6. Transforming worship: dreaming wide awake

Download To and Fro Bible Resource.

The Year of the Lord’s FavorsThe-Year-of-the-Lord-s-Favor

Proclaiming Grace in the Year of Luke

Written by Tom Arthur

The Year of the Lord’s Favor: Proclaiming Grace in the Year of Luke, is commentary on the texts of the Revised Common Lectionary that is contextualized, politically engaged and unflinchingly honest. Comfort is cruel if it is based on an illusion. These reflections connect honestly and realistically with the ordinary circumstances of experience. They encourage the twenty-first century Christian to live in a way that transcends sentimentality and fear and live a faith that makes things happen.

Details here.

The Healing Beyond the MiracleThe_Healing_Beyond_the_Miracle

Written by Revd Dr Peter Stevenson

As a result of the research and writing of The Healing Beyond the Miracle there are a number of presentations that can be offered around the subjects of biblical interpretation and the healing ministry.

These can be adapted as a short taster session ideal for a fellowship meeting or a 60 – 90 minute study. They can also be developed into one-day training events or the subject matter for a longer conference.

Details here.

Page last updated 22 November 2024