The General Assembly task group, which was set up following the 2016 General Assembly, has been asked to bring to General Assembly 2018 proposals for running the General Assembly from 2020 to 2030. To do this it needs to consult widely and is actively seeking opinions or insight from around the Church. In short, the task group wants to hear from you – and has devised a short online survey (which will not take more than ten minutes to complete) to help them more fully understand what the denomination wants from General Assembly.
The Revd John Proctor, URC General Secretary says: ‘General Assembly is the United Reformed Church’s main governing body. We want to run it as helpfully as possible. Sometimes we ask too much of it: to meet frequently, with a lot of people present and plenty of time to do business properly, in a good venue with modern presentation facilities, and all without our having to spend too much money on it all. There is no perfect solution. But we ought to make the best plans we can – and we are seeking your help to shape General Assembly for the next ten years.’
The members of the task groups are:
Val Morrison (Convenor) (Assembly Moderator 2010-2013)
Adrian Bulley (Synod Clerk in Wales)
Dick Gray (Treasurer of South Western Synod)
Michael Hopkins (Assembly Clerk)
Margaret Marshall (Synod Clerk in West Midlands)
Assisted by John Proctor (General Secretary)
The survey is now available – and will close at 12 noon on Friday 28 April. Please do participate – and encourage other members of your URC congregations to do the same. The direct link to the survey is here: Thank you!
Should you know anyone who would like to take part in this survey but does not use a computer, please download the pdf version of the survey, which can be posted to the General Secretary, again by 28 April.
– See more at: