Visionary Companions

Following the adoption of the new Synod Deployment policy in March 2022, the role of Interim Moderators fundamentally changed, and such people are no longer appointed when a church goes into pastoral vacancy. Instead a “Visionary Companion” (VC) is appointed and you can find details of this role below.

Visionary Companions are being sought across the Synod area with a remit to support churches in thinking creatively and perhaps differently about their future.  These are people with specific skills who may not have been involved in church leadership before.  They may be, or have been, facilitators, trainers, management consultants, market researchers, teachers, policymakers – people who can see alternative opportunities and think ‘outside the box’. Most importantly Visionary Companions can work with people from diverse backgrounds and view to encourage and who may have embedded views.  They need to be driven by prayer to help churches discern God’s future for the church, neither imposing nor suggesting models that may not fit with God’s plans.

An Interim Moderator might still be appointed after the VC has completed their role.

Interim Moderators have been working with churches in the Synod for almost two years.  There is plentiful experience, support and guidance for those new to the role and the community continues to work and learn together

NEW Training Course for potential Visionary Companions

Come and find out more about the role and learn from experienced VCs.

Tuesday 28th January 10-3.30pm at Tonbridge URC

For more details or to book please email Sue Eardley

See you there!





Page last updated 2 January 2025

Photo Unsplash credit Austin Chan thank you