Sports Fun for Messy Churches Who comes first? The Sports Academy Holiday Club! On Your Marks holiday club Decathlon– using sport to share the message with young people
by Lucy Moore –
Full of fun-
by Chris Hudson –
A book which provides ideas and lesson plans to help classes explore the Olympic & Paralympic values of respect, excellence, friendship, courage, determination, inspiration and equality.
by John Hardwick –
A five day holiday club programme which links the biblical story of David, a small town boy who made it big, with a sports theme. Covering five essential ingredients of sport: looking after our bodies, looking after our self-
By Simon Barker –
On Your Marks is a five-
Scripture Union / Urban Saints / Youth for Christ –
Many young people love sport and it’s a great way to open up the gospel with young people from outside a church community. Decathlon helps you do just that! Using games derived from ten different sports, Decathlon takes young people through some of the essentials of the Christian faith, such as who God is, God’s grace and the freedom offered by Jesus. Each session of Decathlon provides material for 10 sessions to use in an assembly, a youth group setting or a longer holiday-
(isbn 978 1 84427 266 2)
Produced in partnership with the relief and development charity Tearfund, this resource is full of creative ideas for exploring a biblical perspective on topics such as materialism, workers’ rights, global health challenges and climate change.
Scripture Union –
15 outlines which you can use and adapt for all age services throughout the year, including major Christian festivals.
All Age Service Annual volume 3
Scripture Union –
15 service outlines closely tied in to the themes of Scripture Union’s ‘Light’ curriculum and including Nativity, Mothering Sunday, and Harvest. It is also full of ideas for all-
100 Bible games for everyone
Bible Reading Fellowship –
This does just what it says … themed games for all ages & abilities.
One of the simple but effective ideas is that of creating a ‘peace box’, which can be passed around a church and around the local community, inviting each person or group to put into the box their ideas for promoting peace. All of these ideas could be gathered together and then shared with everybody involved, challenging each individual and group to do something to build peace.
Tales of Grace: 50 five minute stories
By Eve Lockett –
Reviewer: Sarah Elliot (Trinity URC, Wimbledon) … 20Grace20reviewed20Sarah%20Elliot.doc" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click to see the review
Ultimate Craft
Scripture Union –
‘Ultimate Craft is crammed full of creative and imaginative ways to help you and your group explore the Bible through cutting, sticking, painting, drawing, sewing and, well, you get the idea! Inside you’ll find all the instructions and guidance you need, together with helpful diagrams and photocopiable templates, so even the most craft-
This material is a compilation of the ideas in previous publications ‘Here’s One I made Earlier’ and ‘Here’s another one I made earlier’. But it’s all in one ring-
Ultimate Games
by Patrick Goodland –
Reviewer: Sarah Elliot (Trinity URC, Wimbledon) … 20reviewed20Sarah%20Elliot.doc" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click to see the review
Ultimate Visual Aids
Scripture Union –
This is a CD-
Scripture Union – isbn 9 781844 271825 –
A book full of practical ideas for celebrating key seasonal events of the year to help churches connect with children, young people & their families in the local community. It includes ideas for school assemblies, crafts, prayers, talks, social events and all-
Easter Cracked –
More Easter Cracked –
Christmas Wrapped Up –
More Christmas Wrapped Up –
Bible Reading Fellowship – isbn 9 780857 461209 –
The third book in this series published by Bible Reading Fellowship. It contains ideas for fifteen sessions for exploring the Christian life with families, based on key festivals in the church year: Christmas, Easter, Penetcost, Harvest, along with other special days such as Mothering Sunday, Father’s Day, and Valentine’s Day. This resource is published by Barnabas for Children (part of Bible Reading Fellowship) and costs £8.99.There’s lots more about Messy Church on the
ROOTS weekly resources help you enrich worship and learning, wherever your ministry takes you. And this support isn’t just for Sunday: the resources are so wide-
ROOTS publishes two ecumenical, lectionary-
The ROOTS Year Planner gives you an overview of the ROOTS themes and the Revised Common Lectionary readings for every Sunday of the Christian year. The Year Planner is available to download and print in A3 and A4.You can also view or download sample material. Simply go and click on the relevant link.
Few children, great opportunities
Bible Reading Fellowship – isbn 9 781841 018805 –
Another book for mixed age church children’s groups, containing 12 stand-
20Great20-20by20Hallett.docx" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click here to read a review
Dress Rehearsal
Scripture Union –
8 sessions for a midweek club or special event along with programmes for activity days, designed for children aged 5-
So, Why God?
Scripture Union –
This is a 12-
Target Challenge
Scripture Union –
8 sessions for a children’s club for those aged 5-
An imaginative presentation for churches to use with primary schools
by Moira Curry and Gill Morgan-
If you have ever wondered how your church can make positive links with local schools? As the need for church and community to interface grows, projects that facilitate such interaction will be welcomed. A new book from Barnabas provides an ideal opportunity for churches to present a Christmas experience for children in their local schools.
The Christmas Journey is a tried and tested unpacking of the events of the first Christmas. Through a range of interactive storytelling suggestions and imaginative activities children explore the story of the first Christmas. A simple transformation of your church can create a delightful walk-
The authors have run such presentations for several years in their own church and so the book contains all the practical suggestions and tips needed to host this. Story scripts and suggestions for events to accompany the presentation are also provided. The website provide first-
Tiddlywinks –
Scripture Union –
This resource aims to help pre-
Top Tips series of booklets
Scripture Union –
This is a series of booklets giving a little bit of theory and lots of practical pointers for people who work with children and young people. You can read them in half an hour. They all follow a similar pattern:
- What the Bible has to say about ….
- Basic principles
- Practical ideas
- Ten top tips
- Other resources to look at
A helpful feature are the ‘Think about’ questions and ‘In reality’ stories which are mixed in and often spark interesting ideas. Recommended reading for busy youth & children’s leaders.
The titles include:
Top tips on reaching unchurched children
Top tips on welcoming children of other faiths
Top tips on growing faith with families
Top tips on all age worship
Top tips on welcoming special children
Top tips on handling difficult behaviour
Top tips on Communicating God in non-
Scripture Union –
I read this over lunch—an interesting, challenging and practical introduction to this topic from people whose experience is rooted in working with children in non-
Top tips on Sharing Bible Stories
Scripture Union –
I read this over coffee—a great little introduction for people who are new to story-
Top tips on Developing partnerships between church and school
Scripture Union –
I read this at tea-
Resources for working with children in urban situations can be found at
This DVD resource is ideal for use with children. There is also a supporting website for children, as well as a holiday club resource and other printed resources on the theme.
This resource published by Scripture Union is designed for use with small groups of children with a wide age range (from 2 – 14 years old!). Each resource book costs £11.99 and has material for 12 sessions plus ideas for an all age service. It includes photocopiable material and advice, tips & wisdom from experienced practitioners. There are currently two books:
‘God with us’ looks at extracts from Paul’s letters; the relationship between Jesus & Peter; and Elisha the prophet
‘God is Good’ looks at David’s relationship with God; Parables of Jesus from Matthew’s gospel; Acts of the apostles
Few children, great opportunities
Bible Reading Fellowship – isbn 9 781841 018805 –
Another book for mixed age church children’s groups, containing 12 stand-
Bible Reading Fellowship – isbn 9 780857 460042 –
A book full of 120 Instant Bible games for Sunday schools and midweek groups for use with 4-
Scripture Union – isbn 9 781844 276431 –
Scripture Union – isbn 9 781844 277308 –
Scripture Union now produce a mini version of their Bible timeline, outlining where well known bible stories might have happened in history. It folds up into a pocket-
Waste Watchers holiday club resource for 5-
Scripture Union –
This is the 2007 holiday club offering from Scripture Union. Its theme is God’s creation—the wonder of it, the mess people make of it, and the way God wants to transform people and through them transform the world. As usual it contains lots of advice on preparing for and making the most of your holiday club, as well as all the teaching and activity ideas to run a 5 day club, and ideas for engaging with children’s families and their wider community. As expected, the role of Jesus as Saviour of the world is central to the theme. A DVD with the stories for each day is also available (£19-
Showstoppers holiday club resource for 5-
Scripture Union –
Another holiday club offering from Scripture Union follows a tried and tested pattern to explore the Bible through a theatrical theme. An accompanying DVD is available for £19-
John Hardwick –
A programme designed for children aged 5-
Beginners Bible—timeless children’s stories
Candle Books –
In my opinion, this is the best whole bible story book available for children under 7 years of age. It covers a wide range of stories from Old and New Testaments. The pictures are bright, bold and engaging. The story telling is easy to read and easy for children to follow, without unnecessary embellishments or morals tagged onto the end. I’m not surprised that it’s sold over 5 million copies !
Big Bible Storybook
Scripture Union –
This is designed for adults to use with very young children. It’s hardback and is beautifully presented with wonderful colour photos of puppet-
The Christmas Bible Storybook
Scripture Union –
Small full colour board book telling these timeless stories in the style of the excellent ’Big Bible Storybook’. Ideal gifts for toddlers and young children.
The Easter Bible Storybook
Scripture Union– isbn 978 1 84427 292 1 –
Small full colour board book telling these timeless stories in the style of the excellent ’Big Bible Storybook’. Ideal gifts for toddlers and young children.
My First Bible
Bible Reading Fellowship –
A collection of bible stories retold for young children. It’s advertised as being suitable for independent readers aged 4 to 6 to read by themselves. However, I think most children of that age would need a lot of help to read this book. The stories are faithfully and simply retold without too much embellishment. The pictures are bright and bold. The people are almost always smiling, though thankfully not where it is obvious that the characters would have been sad or upset.
What did the Princess Find? And other questions
Bible Reading Felloowship £4.99 isbn 1 84101 438 9
Who built the ark? And other questions
Bible Reading Felloowship £4.99 isbn 1 84101 437 0
These two books are written and illustrated for young children, with lots of very short retellings of bible stories, in answer to a question. The illustrations often add detail to the stories, which occasionally are too concise to really work. However, they may be very helpful for children with very short attention spans!
Where do babies come from?
Bible Reading Felloowship £5.99 isbn 1 84101 501 6
Where did Grandad go?
Bible Reading Fellowship £5.99 isbn 1 84101 502 4
Two more books written to read with young children. They explore questions of birth and death respectively, seeking to show how Christian understanding of God sheds light on the questions which children ask.
Scripture Union – isbn 9 781844 277384 –
Bible reading guide designed for 8-
Substance Volume 1
Scripture Union –
10 bible based sessions for youth groups aged 14-
Topics in this volume cover the big picture (creation, fall, exodus, exile, incarnation and resurrection) and spirituality (bible, prayer, worship and church).
Substance Volume 2
Scripture Union –
10 more bible based sessions for youth groups aged 14-
This time exploring what it means to be part of the kingdom of God, a central theme in the teaching of Jesus Christ.
Substance volume 4 — Truth & Life
Scripture Union –
Substance is a modular resource for helping young people in the church aged 14-
Youth Emmaus 2—Big Issues & Holy Spaces
Church House Publishing –
Youth Emmaus was a course to introduce young people to the Christian faith, exploring Christian beliefs, how Christians grow, and living a Christian life. Youth Emmaus 2 is a follow-
No angel
Scripture Union –
This is a novel written for early teens. It explores the life of a minister’s daughter leading a double life and her friends. It touches on issues including drinking, lying, and of course love ! Easy to read, short chapters, and comes recommended by Michelle Chappell who reviewed it for me.
Page last updated 23 December 2024