Lay Preaching and Pulpit Supply

Welcome to this page supporting lay preaching and those who ensure there is someone to lead Sunday worship.

Lay Preaching is a ministry valued by the United Reformed Church.  Few churches have full time Ministers and the URC relies on lay people to lead worship just as in the early church. Churches are always looking for new preachers, and we are keen to help people identify and answer a vocation to lead worship and preach.  Regular training opportunities are offered for new and existing Lay Preachers and Worship Leaders, including financial support for that training.  Please see the webpage here 

This page is under construction but comments are very welcome to ensure it meets the needs of those working in local churches

Lay Preaching

Between 2018-2024 around 100 URC members undertook Synod-designed training led by Rev Andy Twilley, to equip them to preach in local URC churches within the Synod Area – termed Synod Recognised Lay Preachers (to 2023) or Locally Recognised Worship Leaders (from 2024)  They join those who had previously undertaken the URC StepWise course and successfully completed an assessment.  Assembly Accredited Lay Preachers have undertaken a more detailed 2-year course and are qualified to preach across the URC rather than just local churches or those with which they have a connection. .

A national handbook for Lay Preachers has been developed by the national URC Ministries Committee which is being rolled out across the Synod with a cover note from the Moderator here (link to be provided)

Local Area Lay Preaching Co-Ordinators are on hand to help you with any questions or queries about your role and to support those thinking of undertaking training.

They are – South East London – John Twidale

South West London – Christine Thompson

Kent and East Sussex – Ralph Bradshaw (East) and Angela Rigby (West)

Central Sussex –  Paul Woods

Surrey and Sussex – Ellie Bunker

Pulpit Supply

Responsibility for ensuring the quality and content of the preaching in a church lies with the elders, although in many churches an individual volunteer administers the process. It is important that what is preached from the pulpit aligns with the theology, beliefs and practice of the URC. Securing a preacher is much more than finding a willing volunteer; a checklist and guidance is in preparation to support pulpit supply volunteers and elders in their work.

For more details or to be involved in developing guidance please contact Sue Eardley, Secretary to Synod Ministries Committee here


Page last updated March 2025

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay