Further Help

Green Apostles

In October 2021 Southern Synod invited two serving ministers, Rev David Pickering and Rev Nadene Snyman to volunteer as Green Apostles as part of the denominational team co-ordinated by the URC at Church House. Nadene and David are here to help support and encourage you along the way and produce the periodic “Green Apostle News” which is emailed quarterly.

Contact Nadine or David for more information


Eco Synod

Eco Synod is an award programme that helps synods to look at their own environmental impact as well as encouraging local churches to participate in Eco Church. Synods progress partly according to the number of congregations in their area achieving the Eco Church award at different levels so by signing up to Eco Church, you help Southern Synod become an Eco Synod.



The Synod recognises that not all Churches will be able to fully fund its drive towards a Net-Zero Carbon future.

Funding is available from a wide range of bodies and we would encourage you to seek out organisations who may help finance your project. You should also have a look at our Further Sources of Funding Document.

Funding for projects that reduce your Carbon Footprint is also available from the Synod and can be applied by using our Building Grants and Loans Application Form. The Synod will expect that if necessary, the Property Committee and Listed Building Advisory Committee are briefed on your project. Please see our Building Project Flow Chart to determine what permission is required from the Synod.