Equality and Justice

4Paul writes, “…there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles, between slaves and free people, between men and women; you are all one in union with Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:28).  If Paul wrote today would he add that there was no difference between white and black people, between gay and straight, or between old and young people?  Writing in Let Justice Flow the author says, “For Paul, Christ’s commands to love God and love neighbour are as simple as that.  In his way od looking at the world, Christians are called to hold no prejudice, use their privilege for good and be wary of the power they possess.

Download Let Justice Flow: An Introduction to Social Justice

The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) has a range of resources to support churches and Ministers get involved with improving fairness and equality n society.  Some examples are below

Politics in the Pulpit

A great weekly resource for preachers and worship leaders, and anyone interested in the Bible, highlighting how issues of peace and justice can be informed by careful examination of scripture. Each week, a different guest chats with presenter Rev Dr Raj Patta about the following Sunday’s lectionary readings. Out on Tuesdays. jointpublicissues.org.uk/politicsinthepulpit

Stay and Pray

Released every day of the year, find a short prayer in response to current issues. Produced by the Joint Public Issues Team, you can find the prayers on our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, or by email. You can also download intercessions on Fridays for the week to come. jointpublicissues.org.uk/stay-and-pray/

Faith in Politics Podcast

Subscribe to JPIT’s podcast for inspiring monthly interviews with political and civic leaders and occasional ‘10 minutes on…’ features bringing you informed commentary from JPIT team members on topics in the news. Find it in your podcast app or listen online at jointpublicissues.org.uk/podcast

Invite us to speak

If you have an upcoming event, we can help. Simeon and Roo can offer up-to-the-minute information, resources and suggestions for action on social justice issues in an engaging way, in person or online. We frequently communicate on topics such as climate and caring for the environment, poverty, refugees and the asylum system, peacemaking, campaigning and politics. Email church.society@urc.org.uk


Page updated 16/2/22