Ecumenical Officer
Revd. Cristina Cipriani
URC Southern Synod Office
East Croydon URC
Addiscombe Grove CR0 5LP
Cristina is also Minister at Crawley URC. more detail to follow.
In the gospel of John, Jesus prayed that his followers would be one: “May they all be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you” (John 17:21). It is in this teaching that the call to work for Christian unity has its roots. The Apostle Paul also stressed unity in his letters to early Christians, exhorting them to “live in unity of spirit in a bond of peace” (Eph 4:3). This biblical foundation inspires churches to seek deeper relationships to become the body of Christ.
The Ecumenical Officer promotes unity and cooperation between the URC and their wider Christian communities by supporting any effort to build bridges between denominations and to promote common mission and witness in local contexts as a key representative within Churches Together in England (CTE). For more and exhaustive information, please visit
If you are a church involved in Local Ecumenical Partnerships (LEPs) or are interested in exploring ecumenical possibilities, please get in touch for encouragement and help.
Page last updated 12 January 2025