Committee meeting dates:
The Committee usually meets four times a year.
What does the committee do?
- Agree priorities & strategy for supporting children’s and youth work in churches across the Synod.
- Provide an opportunity for the views of young people and those who work with them in local churches to be heard, understood, represented to the Synod and acted upon appropriately.
- Initiate, oversee and support Synod youth and children’s work initiatives/events, setting up working parties to implement them.
- Encourage and appoint young people to be involved in Synod decision making bodies (e.g. Synod meetings) and to represent Southern Synod at Assembly level (e.g. URC Youth Assembly and Children’s Assembly).
n.b. The committee tries to take decisions and make plans ‘from the ground up’, bearing in mind the reality of local church life. So, we now start every meeting sharing news of youth and children’s work in different local churches from around the Synod – both the encouraging news and the challenges churches are facing.