Yorkshire Synod are currently advertising for the following roles. Children and Families Development Practitioner – part-time Youth Development Practitioner Details can be found and downloaded from their website at http://urcyorkshire.org.uk/notice-board The closing date for applications is 16th June, and formal interviews will be held on 30th June.
Revd Peter Evans
We have been informed by Revd Hilary Nabarro of the death of Reverend Peter Evans on Tuesday 2nd May in Hythe. Peter had been in poor health for some years, and had spent the past few months at Saltwood Care Centre. We remember him with thanksgiving, and hold his son Michael and daughter Susan in […]
History and Ethos of the URC Course – 17 and 24 May ’17
Many members of URC churches in Southern Synod will have come from a diverse range of other Christian traditions and so potentially won’t know very much about the history or ethos of the URC. A course exploring this is taking place on the evenings of May 17 and 24 at East Croydon URC, led […]
Social Media for Churches Training – 27 April ’17
For many churches, it is true to say that the topic of the Social Media is one which either confuses or scares them. All too often in the press we read horror stories of inappropriate ways it is being used, or for others, a sense of bewilderment as to how it could possibly be an […]
Synod Together 11th March 2017 – Minutes Now Available
Please note that the Minutes of the Synod Together Meeting that took place on Saturday 11th March at East Croydon URC are now available in the Documents Library under ‘Synod Together’. You will also find there the ‘Walking the Way’ powerpoint that was shown at Synod Together. The Revd George Watt, Surrey & Sussex Synod Area […]
Vocations Day – 18th March 2017
Is there anyone within your church who is currently thinking and praying about the possibility of some form of ministry? If so, please let them know about the next URC Vocations Event, taking place at Luther King House on March 18th. The attached flier gives additional information. Vocations Day March 2017 Flyer
New Southern Synod Children’s and Youth Development Officer
Dear friends, I bring you good news regarding our new Synod Children’s and Youth Development Officer. Mr Thomas Hackett has been appointed and will be starting on Tuesday 3rd January 2017. Please keep Thomas in your prayers as he prepares to take on his new role. Best wishes, Derrick Synod Clerk
Synod Office Christmas Closure
Southern Synod Office will close at 12 pm on Friday 23 December and reopens at 9.30 am on Tuesday 3 January 2017. During this period, we will be checking for URGENT messages left on voicemail. All at the Synod Office wish you a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
Revd John Humphreys
A message from the Synod Clerk Dear friends I pass on to you a very sad and unexpected news which arrived from Scotland today. John Humphreys, who was Moderator of the National Synod of Scotland until his retirement a few months ago, died early this morning at home. John had been ill for just a […]
The Conversation – Conference for youth workers
The Conversation is an conference being held at St Pauls, Canterbury on 24 -25th February 2017. It is ‘– a gathering that will create space for cutting-edge, innovative, even risky conversations about children, young people and the church. The Conversation will bring together people who are open to change; to reimagine God’s good news for this generation, who want children and […]