Small Church Network

Many churches in Southern Synod are diminishing in membership; the two years of living with the impact of Covid has stimulated many churches to reassess their ways of working and recognise the benefits and challenges of being smaller churches.

Smaller churches can mean that everyone ‘mucks in’ to help and there is a team spirit to ensure that the roles people play are meaningful and valued. Decisions can be made swiftly and are tuned to at least the majority of members’ views

Smaller churches, however also have to manage all the administrative and practical tasks of larger churches – filling the pulpit, keeping accounts, maintaining a building and as smaller congregations become less physically active, more of the tasks fall to those who are able to do them.

The benefits of sharing and collaborating with churches in a similar position are numerous  – and the recent smaller churches event has kick-started  development of a network

More to follow in the next few days…….

contact Martin Hayward to find out more


Page update 22/2/22