Safeguarding Training Dates 2024

Thames North & Southern Synod Safeguarding Training- 2024

Safeguarding Children in churches – new in depth training on Zoom






Foundation and Foundation Refresher Safeguarding Training (Approx 2 hours).  

June             Fri 14th 10am-12pm      *IN PERSON TRAINING* at St Andrew’s Canterbury URC (Southern Synod) 

July              Mon 22nd 10am-12pm   *IN PERSON TRAINING*  at Bromley by Bow (Thames North)

August        Sat 3rd 10a,-12pm           *IN PERSON TRAINING* at Lancaster Road, Enfield EN2 0BS (Thames North )

September                                           *IN PERSON TRAINING*  Location TBC

October     Mon 21st 10am- 12pm    *ONLINE TRAINING*

November  Thurs 21st 7– 9.30pm    *ONLINE TRAINING*

Foundation E-Learning module

The Foundation training is also available as an E Learning which can be completed in your own time.

The link is here:

Intermediate Safeguarding Training (Approx 2.5 hours).

June     Fri 14th  1pm-3.30pm          *IN PERSON TRAININGat St Andrew’s Canterbury URC (Southern Synod)

July      Mon 22nd   1-3.30pm           *IN PERSON TRAININGat Bromley by Bow (Thames North) 

August    Sat 3rd 1-3.30pm              *IN PERSON TRAINING*  at  Lancaster road, Enfield EN2 0BS (Thames North Synod)

September                                           *IN PERSON TRAINING* Location TBC

October Fri 25th 10am-12pm          *ONLINE TRAINING*

November Fri 29th 7– 9.30pm      *ONLINE TRAINING*

Intermediate Refresher Safeguarding Training (Approx 2.5 hours).

June 12th  6.30pm – 9pm                 *ONLINE TRAINING*

September 13th 6.30pm – 9pm    *ONLINE TRAINING*

Advanced Safeguarding Training (Approx. 4 hours).

July Sat 13th 10-3pm                         *IN PERSON TRAINING*  Location TBC

December  Fri 13th 5pm- 9pm       *ONLINE TRAINING*

To book on to this training, please email your

name, church role, church and preferred date to [email protected]

You can download the list for 2024 here 

This page last updated 9 May 2024