The New Growth Fund’s Purpose
The Southern Synod wants to encourage churches to develop their own mission thinking, to be agents for evangelism in each local community and to embark upon mission projects which are designed to enable spiritual and numerical growth. Such projects could be embarked upon ecumenically. The New Growth Fund (NGF) is a tool to promote projects that foster new growth by:
- Providing financial resources
- Supporting initiatives by local churches or groups of churches
- Encouraging innovation
- By giving priority to churches that have no NGF funding
- By prioritising churches which have little or no reserves
You may also find the Cinnamon Network helpful for advice and funding:
NGF Committee
To administer the fund by considering applications in accordance with the scheme
- Convenor/Chair – Andrew Sellwood
- Secretary – tbc
- Committee – John Denison, Tom Hackett, Martin Hayward, Hilary Miles, Andy Twilley, Alistair Wilson