Crossway URC Opening – 25 March 2017

Crossway is now officially open – with services Saturday and Sunday 25-26 March to mark the occasion.  The Moderator took these photos at the Saturday Service, with the caption “Celebrating the opening of Crossways Christian Centre (United Reformed Church) after seven years ‘in the wilderness’. “Be strong, all you people of the land, declares the Lord. […]

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Southern Synod Retreats Fellowship – Residential Retreat 4-6 April 2017

Check out the Southern Synod Retreats Fellowship pages for details of their 2017 programme, including the Annual Residential Retreat 4-6 April at The Emmaus Centre, West Wickham and Quiet Days at Bexley URC on 8th June and at Hassocks URC on 7th October. The Fellowship is is open to ALL who want to deepen their […]

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Feasts and Festivals 2017

  Let’s celebrate! The year 2017 is special in the life of the United Reformed Church – and we’ll have plenty to celebrate! It’s 500 years since the Lutheran Reformation, 100 years since the ordination of Constance Coltman, the first woman to enter congregational ministry, 45 years since the URC came into being, more than 80 years since Pilots started […]

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